The following post is based on a dream I had back on March 11th 2006 last year. I had been taking my Interferon therapy for some 17 days.....just two days after my 3rd Interferon injection. I found the dream I had written on a seperate sheet of paper that I had slipped into my "written diary" and had all but forgotten about it.
"Digging for Flesh & Blood"
What a garden! And what a bloody mess it is in! But hell! Who cares when the hole you are digging in it has things hidden there one can only dream of...
The sun was shining hard! The Summer was in full swing and I was feeling glad that I at least had a little shade from the sides of this hole that I was currently digging right in the middle of my Mum's front garden. It was still a sweaty affair I was having mind, but at least I was almost comfortable. The deeper that I dug, the higher the wall's became, the more shade I would enjoy thus the more digging I could achieve.
My Twin Sister Nicola was with me. At least I think it was Nicola. I was far too busy with the digging of my hole to especially notice anyone in particular. I am pretty sure though that it was one of my Sisters. She was lying out in the sun enjoying it's heat. My Mother was due back anytime now. She was preparing for a holiday and had her Son Mark with her. I would see them both as soon as they arrived back from wherever they had been. If I even noticed them return that is!
My mind wandered & I soon forgot about the person already in the garden and the people making their way to it. I had a hole to dig!
I must have dug down to about 4 or 5 feet before I began to find some very interesting artifacts. I had to keep drinking water as I was sweating so much! The sweat dripped from my nose and into the moist soil that I was excavating. My hands were sore and my nails were black with dirt and scratched and blunt!
The first artifact that I found buried was a black plastic bag filled with something flimsy but heavy. It felt like a small pile of magazines or something similar and after opening the dirt covered bag these are in fact what I found inside. They were pornagraphic in content and looking at the women displayed on the front cover looked like they were from the seventies. The date on each magazine (18 in total) confirmed that they were indeed from the 70's............1976 to be precise. I put these to one side and excitedly began to dig a little deeper, excavating more soil to see if there were anymore interesting things buried down in my hole.
My goodness, it was hot work and I was ever so grateful for the increasing size of the walls of my hole and the shade that they supplied!
It wasn't too long before I felt something hard under the raw skin of my finger tips. In fact there were numerous things that were seemingly unrelated to eachother and most certainly unrelated to the "dirty" mags I found just a little while before. The first of which was a small group of toys that I instantly recognized as my own toys from years ago when I was a child! Luke Skywalker's land speeder was just one of the toy's that I found in amongst various other's like Matchbox cars and an Action Man with Eagle Eye's. They were all covered in dirt, worn & scratched! I carefully set them down next to the magazines in a tidy little pile. I thought to myself that I would have fun giving them a clean with my "Sterits" that I use to swab clean my vein before I inject myself.
Just by the toys I discovered a very interesting thing which looked like some kind of important medical equipment. It looked as if it was a light beige when it was new but for all the dirt on it it could just have easily been brown originally! It was made from a hard, brittle plastic and had some strange looking buttons and dials attached to it. But some things on it I did of which was the syringe that was clipped to the side of the machine. It looked exactly like the ones that I inject myself with and although the syringe was dirty from being buried it was obvious to me that it was a used one as the plunger was all the way in and had dried blood almost black in colour showing intermittenly down the clear thin plastic tube that ended with a green butterfly needle, the base of which was blue in favorite. The thin steel needle had come away from the butterfly and was nowhere to be seen. Coming out of the machine right by the syringe's plunger was a kind of shaft that looked as though it's job would have been to push in the FactorVIII mechanically into my vein. In fact the whole thing resembled some kind of dialysis machine but for injecting blood transfusions into Haemophiliacs instead.
So there I sat thinking about all these things that I was finding. Who on god's earth buried these wonderful things down here? Why on Earth did I think of digging this hole in the first place? I had no idea at all what was down in this dirt! I began to feel emotional about the whole thing! I hoped to god that knowone looked into the hole and saw me crying! My tears fell away from my eyes and cut little clean tracks through the dirt & mixed with the sweat that was already covering my cheeks. One by one they dripped quietly towards the hot dirt and in my cofused head I was adamant that I heard the tiniest of hisses when the salty drops landed!
As I sat there I noticed that the sun had crept silently across the sky and was now shining directly down into the bottom of the hole! My good friend the shade had dried up and disappeared! My shoulders were beginning to burn and feel quite sore! I just sat there under the pounding heat and couldn't move! I needed to carry on digging! I needed to see what else I would find! It would be dark in three or four hours and my fingers had had enough!
I continued digging.........
What must I have looked like to my Mums neighbours or to the nosey residents of Brinsworth House over the back wall that might have seen me yesterday digging a little hole in my Mums back garden to 'Stage' todays photo! My 1980 Luke SkyWalker figure in one hand and a mid 80's 'Used' 60ml syringe in the other (I got a few strange things). Anyway, suffice to say that this photo was created soley for this particular post. I was kinda forced to really because of a complete lack of adequate photos to use already in my I-photos library. I wanted to add a 70's porn mag in the dirt too but don't have one;)
Oh, and about CBB........I voted for Shilpa.......& Shilpa won:)
***Update (09:45)*** Still no news on my 'Viral Load' results. And also I rang the RFH just now, they say that the sample that needs to be re-done is not the 'Viral Load' sample and only the 'Clinical Biochemistry' sample. I still need to go up to give it to them, but that can wait.
(C) JPT 2007
You are such a kid... digging holes in your mum's back yard just for a good pic...(was she home?)... I think it's great!.... funny...... but great.
You're such a big kid!! I love that about you :O)
You've not changed a bit since you were 17!! Lol.
Be happy
B x
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