How cruel is that eh? Just in a mood is all. Nothing I can do about it.......strange thing is that I have absolutely no reason for it at excuse whatsoever! I don't have any noise coming from my nextdoor neighbour.....nor do I feel ill, nor have I just lost anyone close to me recently. So why this shitty mood? I went to pump my Mums tyres up on her bike as she hasn't used it for a while becuase of her knee. I was as short as a legless ant! She tried to tell me about her new kitchen & bathroom she was having fitted soon and all I could do was moan about how much of a rubbish job they will do (being council and all).
She asked me at the front door why the shitty mood................I just said........Why not? (What an arsehole!)
Sorry mum! (BTW-I rang earlier and said I was sorry).
Do you think my mood had anything to do with the two little dreams I had this morning?
The first dream I was with my Dad. We were investigating the corridors of a half finished office block...........when we got outside we saw an aeroplane in the sky just above some rooftops (it was light & sunny outside). We were amazed when it turned over onto it's back and disappeard behind the buildings entirely when all of a sudden there was an almighty crash and pieces of wreckage flew up into the air. We made our way to the crash site and soon discovered that it was just a model that looked real!
The second dream found me standing at a cash machine that I was trying to use which then began to malfunction and it seemed I could reach in and take the money! It was full up to the brim with unused notes. A woman approached me and looked as if she wanted something. She looked at me then at the slot where the card goes. I asked her if she was alright and she said that she left her card in the machine. I told her that it wasn't there when I attempted to insert my card and asked her if she got any money out. She hadn't. I tried to stand in the way of the money so she wouldn't see. But it was useless as the money started to fall out onto the ground........big wads of it. There was a phone number printed onto the machine that you could ring in case something like this happened & I was pondering wether to take the money and run or phone the number and hang around, look after the money until the Police arrived and maybe get a reward? All at the same time wishing that I had been the only one there so I could take the money and keep it all!
The bloody postman knocked on my frontdoor and woke me up!
Or maybe this mood stems from the pain I have been experiencing in my ankle the last few days! It hurt like hell last night! I treated it before and after my bike ride and almost certainly prevented a bad bleed! I did my local route around Richmond Park of about 14 miles. It felt more like 30 miles though due to the strong winds and a little rain. The temperature too was well above average for the time of year! It was just like being boiled in my pants!
So what do I do once I leave my Mums? I visit two local cemeteries to find something specific to photograph for a post I am writing for my Blog. Probably not the best move in the world! I didn't find what I was looking for either! I was amazed though at just how many graves were beginning to sink into the ground! They look like concrete ships frozen in a rolling sea of grass & dead flowers. I felt as if I should have been wearing a life jacket;) Actually, after a closer inspection I also noticed that the graves that were most uneven were the newest graves! It must be quite saddening for visitors to see their Loved ones graves like this! Me though..........I would be quite happy to be dragged off by hungry foxes when I am dead........or a revengeful Badger;)
On to my Hep C treatment. I have just taken my 46th Interferon injection and as usual it went in painless and leak free. I even filmed the whole episode on my video camera. I numbered the syringe with a permenent marker and put it with all my other syringes.
It may sound odd if a little morbid too but I am going to miss this Hep C tx routine! At the same time though I am looking forward to maybe going away abroad this year for some sun & sea. One thing is for sure..............My Blog ain't going nowhere!!!! Even that sounds negative! What I mean is is that I won't stop my Blog when I have finished tx. It has never even crossed my mind. Besides, my blog has never been just about my Hep C tx. This Blog dies when I do!
I have come across so many Blogs over the last several months most of which have although are still accessible are no longer being updated. I'm not talking about gaps of weeks or months but some haven't been updated for nearly a year or more. It is a shame really as I'd Love to know the rest of their stories. They have their reasons I suppose.
Still no side effects I might add.............ok, maybe the mood I am in has something to do with my tx.
P.s. The photograph for this post I took last thing on new year's eve just gone. It is my favorite tree in Bushy Park in between the cricket pitch & Woodland Gardens. Although it doesn't look was very windy and raining quite heavy too. I brightened it up a little as I thought it needed I do;)
(C) JPT 2007
Hey Jason,
Maybe it's just the January doldrums. I often get extra moody this time of year (note my latest post). Oh well, this, too, shall pass.
Like you, I have also pondered whether or not I'll miss treatment when I'm done, and am beginning to feel like I will. Odd, since it took some adjustment to get used to it in the first place. I wonder where that precise threshold is that an activity like this becomes routine to the point that it will be missed when gone. Somebody ought to study it... maybe give it a name. It's gotta be useful for something...
Then again, maybe not. ;-)
Post holiday let-down, very well documented. Of my mother and her 5 siblings, 3 of them died during January (the youngest in her '70s). Christmas is over and there's nothing to look forward to till Spring...which we seem to be having now in the US - January is the new April here! (But the worst weather usually comes in Feb. or March.)
You're in a "treatment routine" now, you'll get out of it soon, once you stop. It will truly be one less thing for you to worry about. Hang in there.
Hi Guys,
I think you may be right. Been such a moody shit all week! I do hope my family understand because I sure as hell don't;)
It is an odd one's not the weather. I Love the rubbish weather and I don't even mind cycling in the rain & mud. I think it must be something to do with that vast expanse that has just been set out in front of us all called....The New Year! It seems more like an unchartered sector of space than what it really is; Just a series of days following one after the other.
UC, That's just it. I won't be getting out of the routine of treatment. yes, I will have finished my Interferon but still have to carry on with the HIV meds & FactorVIII.
Oh, I don't know. I just feel I need to disappear once in a while away from all these chemicals & poisons and injections and pain and boredom and disease.
I feel so bloody healthy though! Bodily that is. My mind is another matter entirely;)
Jason, of course it's tx, what else? And stop whining, you're almost done. :)
I love going to cemeteries too, weird, but true
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