Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Under The Glow Of Blood"

My blood. Just like yours? I hope not!

I think this might be the first time that I have ever really acknowledged World Aids Day, even though I have had HIV since the early to mid eighties when I inadvertently injected syringe after syringe of contaminated blood into my young veins to treat my haemophilia. First time for everything I suppose?
I have known since 1987 when my doctors thought it best to let me know when I reached 16. They knew in 1985 when my blood tested positive for HIV. Looking back, I'll never forget the two or so years that they kept quiet. I could have infected anyone! I wasn't on any medication for those two years and my viral load would have been in the millions. After a few drug trials in 87 I started my HIV drugs properly a few years later. I have been very lucky in that I have not had one HIV induced problem in all the time that I have had HIV. I have been very strict with my drugs and most importantly, I have looked after myself and tried to keep as healthy as possible. It isn't easy and sometimes I wonder why I bother! But, I am well and healthy and my viral load is undetectable as a result of my HIV medications. I wish I hadn't caught it at such a young age. There is no doubt that my life has been irreversibly affected by learning such horrific news at such a young age. I wish I was normal!
Oh well, things could be worse. I could be dead like so many others, some that I knew personally.

Whatever you do on December 1st 2008 (World AIDS Day) just make sure you remember the boys and girls, men and women that have already died as a result of HIV & AIDS.

For more information on World Aids Day visit;


(C) JPT 2008.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"My Galaxy Far, Far Away..."

By Jason age 9. January 4th 1980.

One nine year old boy, a recently acquired electronic typewriter and an imagination that wants out! Out of this world and into a galaxy far, far away. It may or may not happen one day, but whatever my destination on this far from perfect planet, I shall make it into a place or time where dreams and nightmares alike shall come true and make me a happy little boy.

"Star Wars"

My best film is The Empire Strikes Back. And I will show you all the people. There are Luke Skywalker and Han Solo and R2-D2 and C3-P0 and there is the Sand People and the Stormtroopers and Darth Vader, Chewbacca. Princess Leia Organa. And the Bounty Hunter and Jawa and R5-D4 and Snaggietooth and Power-Droid and Green Greedo and Hammerhead, Walrus Man and Ben Kenobi, Death Squad and Security Guard and FX-7 and Imperial Stormtrooper and Lando Calrissian, Bossk, Rebel Soldier, Droid Factory and the Imperial Troop Transporter and I have got a Twin-Pod Cloud Car and a Landspeeder and I have got a Star Wars game and I have got a toy monster and I am going to get some other spaceship and i am going to get some more Star Wars men and there are the Tie Fighter. You can get them in a shop called Kiddie City and I am going to go and see it at the pictures in Twickenham and my best man in Star Wars is the little man called Jawa and the Stormtrooper and they all have a gun each and there are 10 new Star Wars men and there are 20 old men and the ages are up to 4 and over and are there are 7 robots and there are 15 men and women and there are 8 monsters. All of them put together makes 30 and I was going to see it but I saw it at Marks. He has got a video. He has got over 41 tapes you can tape it on.


(C) JPT 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

"My Cycling for October 2008"

Cold, in the dark & alone in Richmond Park during October 2008.

October seemed to be a quiet month for cycling with just a few trips to the hills and most trips to Richmond Park on my own, where I even managed to get a ticking off for speeding along the Tamsin Trail by a fellow mountain biker...who also happened to be a police officer...on duty! He said that the speed limit of ten mph on the trail was there to prevent me from running over ladies pushing prams and getting tangled up with dogs on 50ft leads. I wasn't going to argue as he does have a point. But, just for your information, I would never ride uncontrollably fast past anyone else on the trail. I think this is the reason that he let me go, because there wasn't anyone else around except him.

Anyway, what I think also made it a more seemingly quiet month was the fact that a rotten tooth that has been playing up for a while now decided to develop one infection and abscess after the other and in the end I was left with only one option; to have the offending tooth pulled out. Which I did. You'd be surprised by just how much a painful tooth can affect your ability to stay sane and want to go out riding on a bike! I am so glad to have had the thing gone! Even if the dentist nearly did paralyze the left side of my face by injecting too much numbing juice!

Oh, and the weather has gotten colder and (as we go into November) wetter too and I have a new car which I don't have a roof rack for nor a boot liner, and don't want to get it all mucky just yet;)

See you next month...

Thursday 2nd October 2008 @ 17:00pm, RP, 18.46 miles, av 11.8, max 27.1 mph, 1hr 34mins, cool, sunny, windy. Total 1884.34 miles.

Thursday 9th October 2008 @ 15:00pm, RPx2 and a third, 26.19 miles, av 12.3, max 27.8 mph, 2hrs 7mins, sunny and mild. Total 1910.53 miles.

Friday 10th October 2008 @ 17:15pm, LH, Lee, Matt, 9.26 miles, av 8.1, max 31.4 mph, 1hr 8mins, clear, cool, sunny, temp 17. Total 1919.79 miles.

Monday 13th October 2008 @ 14:00pm, RPx2, 21.77 miles, av 12.4, max 24.2 mph, 1hr 45mins, cool, bit of rain, got told to slow down by a policeman on a mountain bike! Total 1941.56 miles.

Friday 17th October 2008 @ 17:10pm, SF, Lee, 12.11 miles, av 8, max 29.7 mph, 1hr 30mins, dry and cold. Total 1953.67 miles.

Sunday 19th October 2008 @ 6pm, RP, 17.20 miles, av 12.3, max 25 mph, 1hr 24mins, dry, cool, dark, temp 14, wind 15. Total 1970.87 miles.

Friday 24th October 2008 @ 19:18pm, HH, PH, Lee, 12.38 miles, av 6.8, max 20.5 mph, 1hr 48mins, cold and damp, temp 1. Total 1983.25.

Tuesday 28th October 2008 @ 18:00pm, RP, 14.61 miles, av 11.4, max 23.3 mph, 1hr 17mins, very cold & windy, temp 2. Total 1997.86 miles.


(C) JPT 2008.........Total 1997.86 miles (to the end of October)