More inane ramblings of a semi-retarded..............retard? Enjoy:)
Written @ 13:33pm Thursday 20th April 2006 (9th Interferon Injection);
Just watching World Snooker on BBC2.
Got a very painful ulcer on the end of my tongue! Went out last night on my bike, met Jac at the bank in Twickenham (she owed me £150). Then I went on to Richmond Park gate and cycled around the Tamsin Trail going clockwise all the way back to Richmond gate again. I saw a fox that was really dark in colour. I saw Deer & Bats too. Then I went home along the tow-path to Teddington Lock & eventually back home. I was out for an hour and a half. I enjoyed it but do hate those steep parts sometimes! And those headwinds too!
Dad went to see a "Virtual" Frank Sinatra yesterday afternoon. Claire lost her mobile phone yesterday! I think we are deciding to call it a day as boyfriend and girlfriend. It seems a little pointless us being so far apart all the time. It is a real shame. Claire is so wonderful. So friends we will be instead.
Weather is getting much better!!!!!!!!!
Written @ 15:53pm Monday April 2006;
Friday Lee & I went for a bike ride around Richmond Park at 8pm. Nice ride too. I told Lee that Claire & I are just friends now seeing as though she is his Sister. Claire maybe moving to Orange CA to Chapman Uni in August (she actually ended up moving to San Diego).
I spent the day at my Mums in the gardenon Saturday. Very sunny. Don was there and we all did garden things. Then Tarn, Naif & Millie came. Millie is scared of Don because he has a beard like Father Christmas and he has no teeth. He is a nice bloke though. Daisy was there too but spent the entire time inside watching TV. Tarnia & I walked to the bank in Twickenham & back. I cycled my Mums new bike........nice bike:)
Foozle has gone missing! (Jacs blind cat) Early Sunday Morning.Jac & I looked for her & called her. I made loads of posters and put those up everywhere too. No calls yet! Poor thing!
Today I bought Series 4 of "Blake's 7" (just released) and series 1 of "American Dad". I also bought "The Mighty Boosh" series 1 &2 for Jac because she Loves it and she ain't borrowing mine!!! She has gone to Harley Street in London with Kate to see about botox and face peel thingys.....Nut case!! I am seeing dad later to play golf.........gym first.
Tarn is getting her new bike tomorrow. The same as Mums but with a kiddy seat for Millie.
Written @ 11:58am Tuesday April 25th 2006;
Dreams of sex & death..........As usual.
Still no Foozle!!
Went to gym and saw Lee yesterday. I don't think he is very happy at the moment! Then I went to my dads at 19:30pm and we watched Ronnie O'Sullivan play snooker. Dad had some maps of Fort William to show me for my trip there soon. The gym was is a right tip! The whole place needs re-furbishing if you ask me! I need a roof rack for my Kayaks soon.
Matt actually broke his rib on Monday when we were out riding! My tongue ulcer is much better! Still sore but it was bloody agony!! Blister on my lip is still there.
Written @ 11:03pm Wednesday April 26th 2006;
Tarn got her new bike yesterday. I cycled to the shop and met them there. Millie inparticular was very excited & couldn't wait to get on the thing. She had her little cycle helmet on too. Millie got in and we walked through Twickenham High Srteet so Millie got used to the seat. At Twickenham Green we cycled around and Millie Loved it and watched a dog chasing a ball. We all met daisy from School then went to Tarns to collect Daisys bike and then we all rode through to the end of Crane Park (Dog shit City!!) & back. Millie was singing "Daisy Daisy, this bike is made for two". Then I went off alone to Richmond Park for a proper ride of sorts. My usual thing in Richmond Park then meeting Jac by Subways for fuel.
Still Watching snooker.............Still no Foozle! I said to Jac that I reckon someone has stolen her.
Written @ 14:30pm Monday (May Day) 1st May 2006;
Alright! Still no Foozle! I got two calls at 8am on the 28th. Two different schools kids saw the same cat by my Mums old school. I went to see and saw it wasn't her! It looked a lot like her though! My heart went when I realised!
I have been out cycling on Friday evening from my flat to Bushy Park then to Hampton Court Palace, along the river Thames to Kingston Bridge then along the river again towards Richmond via Teddington. Then back home through Twickenham High St. I was out with Lee last night too. Richmond Park at night. Did the usual Saturday evening thing with take-away food at my Mums with Daisy & Tania.
I'm alright, ankles have been playing up when walking! I am getting a roof rack in the week for my Kayaks & bike.
(Me now) My God.................What a load of rubbish! What a boring predictable life! I do apologize if I am boring you to death!
You see why I hate diaries so much! I do hope that my blog isn't as f*****g boring as all this shit! I promise you that there will only be one more edition of "Yesterday's Pornography". God help us all;)
(C) JPT 2007