That Interferon stuff works! It really works! What are the chances eh? Thirty odd years of being Hep C positive and in combination with twenty odd years of living with HIV and swallowing all those powerful HIV drugs that are good for the HIV (mostly), but not so good for your liver...and it has gone away. My Hep C has gone! It ain't coming back! Not unless I'm re-infected somewhere down the line, which isn't entirely impossible seeing as though I still, on a weekly basis, inject myself in exactly the same way in that I was infected in the first place! But hey, if I can live with it for such a long time and stay healthy, I am pretty sure that I can live with it again.
It's been one whole year since I finished my 50wks of Hep C treatment and I feel great! Not that I felt ill before I did the treatment. In fact, I felt pretty good before. I never did suffer from any symptoms from having Hep C it seems. It did do my head in a little (the HIV still does), but physically I felt great. Just as I did (more or less) on treatment and just as I do now. I am pretty adamant that it was my decision to stay as active as I possibly could and cycle my bike so much leading up to and during treatment that kept me so well. Staying fit and active is so important I think. So if you're contemplating treatment, go get a bike and cycle like a madman and you too may have as good a treatment as I. Go for it!
P.s. Happy third Birthday to little Evie today:)
(C) JPT 2008.........309.39 miles
Your strength and vitality is marvelous to behold, my friend :)
Good news indeedy and a happy birthday to Evie to boot.
Hugs all round...
Congrats on the 1-year post treatment results! I think you're right about staying active on treatment - that was my mistake! If I had gotten myself into better shape physically before I started, then tried to stay active on treatment, maybe I would have felt better! Oh well...must go book a cruise on the Queen Victoria or something, that's got to be as good as cayaking!
Once there was a get back home.
Once there was a way to get back home.
Sleep little darling, do not cry....and i will sing a lullabyeee!!!!
Lots of love Jac xxxxx
Golden slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye...
Perfick! Thanks Jac:)
Great ride yesterday...well done kid!
Hry mighty C,
Glad to see people all over the place making it through and, in your case, making it through in style!
Hope you're healthy with everything else and that cycling is going well.
I'm about to start my own little journey [check it out please]We'll see what happens!
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