So here I am...half way through the year and halfway through my mileage target of 3600 mile too. A nice big ride to start June off with Rough Ride 2007. My new bike 'Elvis' is bloody great and has performed very well. My joints still hurt but what can you do eh? Just get on with it and try not to fall off sounds like a good idea:)
Sunday 3rd June 2007 @ 10:05am, Kington Rough Ride 2007 on Elvis (see Blog), Lee, 6hrs pedaling...ish (7hrs 39mins total), 51.90 miles, av 7.8, max 35.6mph, overcast and warm for most of the ride, rain for an hour at 3pm, light wind and bright most of the day...I don't know what the temp was on the day nor the wind speed. It was a fantastic experience though:) Total 1630.32 miles.........(1246 miles since cateye)
Wednesday 6th June 2007 @ 13:30pm, RPx2, 30.10 miles on Elvis, 2hrs 8mins pedaling, warm & sunny with light wind, av14, max 26mph, temp 18, wind 9. Total 1660.42 miles.........(1276.1 miles since cateye)
Friday 8th June 2007 @ 18:50pm, RPx2, 24.63 miles, Lee, Ian, 1hr 50mins pedaling, very warm and no wind, light then dusk/dark, my right ankle felt sooo weak and very painful!, I got puncture too which Lee very kindly fixed while I texted a freind of mine, av13.3, max 33.9mph, temp 21, wind 4. Total 1685.05 miles.........(1300.07 miles since Cateye)
Saturday 9th June 2007 @ 18:00pm, RP, 21.80 miles, 2hrs 3mins pedaling, very warm & sunny, light wind, av10.5, max 31.2mph, temp 24, wind 5. Total 1706.85 miles...(1322.5 miles since Cateye)
Monday 11th June 2007 @ 21:00pmish, BP figure of eight, 43 mins pedaling, 10.79 miles, very warm, dusk/dark, no wind, millions of flies & midges along river!, av15, max 21.2 mph, temp 9, wind 3. Total 1717.64 miles...(1333.3 miles since Cateye)
Friday 15th June 2007 @ 13:30pm, RP, 18.58 miles, 1hr 24mins pedaling, coolish & windy, rain & sun, av 13.2, max 28.6 mph. Total 1736.22 miles...(1351.9 miles since Cateye)
Saturday 16th June 2007 @ 19:00pm, to Mums & back for take-away & TV with Mum & Daisy, 6.35 miles total, 23 mins pedaling, av 16.4, max 27 mph, light & sunny/dark and cool, light breeze, temp 13, wind 6. Total 1742.57 miles...(1358.3 miles since Cateye)
Sunday 17th June 2007 @ 13:00pm, Holmbury/Leith/Pitch Hills, 26.66 miles (total 32.56...see below), 3hrs pedaling...out for 4hrs, av 9.1, max 31.6 mph, warm & sunny with a bit of cloud and a light wind, see blog for details, temp 17, wind 7. Total (including short ride to Strawberry Hill when I got back home) 1775.13 miles...(1390.8 miles since Cateye)
Wednesday 20th June 2007 @ 13:00pm, RPx2, 25.03 miles, 1hr 50mins pedaling, warm & sunny with quite strong winds, av 13.6, max 31.9 mph, temp 20, wind 13. Total 1800.16 miles...(1415.9 miles since Cateye)
Friday 22nd June 2007 @ 17:45pm, Ian, RP & Wimbledon Common then Putney along the Thames to Richmond past Hammersmith Bridge & Kew Gdns, 35.01 miles, 2hrs 40mins pedaling, warm and sunny with big clouds, medium wind, av 13.1, max 28.7 mph, temp 18, wind 10. Total 1835.17 miles...(1450.9 miles since Cateye)
Sunday 24th June 2007 @ 14:30pm, RPx2 on road then to Lee & Nics new place in Hampton then to BPx1 then along river to Kingston Bridge, over bridge and all the wat via tow-path to Richmond Bridge then back along river to Teddington via Twickenham, 45.3 miles, windy and rainy and quite cool, bit of a long ride today which I hadn't planned but just kept on going thinking it would help me (mentally) if I knew I could do such mileage without really thinking about it. I had me ipod with me and was quite happy for most of it. My right arm was killing me as usual and my legs ached after about 20/25 miles but I kept on going and reckon I could have done another 10 if I had pushed meself...I kind of just switch off and keep going on auto-pilot so to speak. But could I do it two days in a row? I don't rightly know...but I will find out in August that's for sure;) Don't worry peeps...I'll do it;), 3hrs 9mins pedaling, av 14.2, max 32.9 mph, temp 16, wind 11. Total 1880.20 miles...(1495.9 miles since Cateye)
Tuesday 26th June 2007 @ 19:00pm, RPx1, 19.09 miles, 1hr 29 mins pedaling, sunny and coolish, light breeze, av 12.8, max 31.4 mph, temp 15, wind 6. Total 1899.29 miles...(1515.0 miles since Cateye)
Thursday 28th June 2007 @ 13:40pm, RPx2, 25.33 miles, 1hr 59 mins pedaling, sunny & breezy wih some clouds, warm, av 12.7, max 27.9 mph, temp 17, wind 14. Total 1924.62 miles...(1540.3 miles since Cateye)
Friday 29th June 2007 @ 19:00pm, Teddington to Kingston on my own (Lee & Ian were busy), then back to Richmond and once around the park then home, 20.07 miles, 1hr 34 mins pedaling, sunny with medium breeze, av 12.8, max 23.9 mph, temp 18, wind 15. Total 1944.69 miles...(1560.4 miles since Cateye)
(C) JPT 2007.........2018.36 miles.
2000 miles. You're a madman!!! :-)
Tell me Jae... looking back, which was a more arduous undertaking? 2000 miles on your bike or 48 weeks of tx?
Got my lab results today. Keeping my fingers crossed that yours come back spotless.
I am a madmad Chris...that's obvious;) But what would I do again if I had to choose? 48wks tx or another 2000 miles? Answer...2000 miles every time:) Hopefully I won't have to do anymore weeks of treatment, but if I have to...I'll do the 48wks and 2000 miles at the same time no sweat;)
Great news Chris on your lab results! Excellent in fact!!! Mine better be spotless or else I might just be forced to commit a rather terrible act of violence upon......well, let's not even go there...let's face it...It's gone:)
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