Dedicated to Ample, UC & Tea.........& to all other passengers taking this special journey.
What am I doing, am I mad......mad as a hatter?
What have I done, am I done as well as can be?
I done my bit, quite elegantly too some might say.
Is it quite enough though this tiny section of my Life?
Will good prevail over bad, or will bad stick like shit?
Pulling this poison from my body, has it helped?
Poison kills poison.....Violence more Violence more like!
Not for me, but for some, more than some.....most!
Just how lucky has this poison been for me?
Just how bad has it been to others?......still being bad!
What do I do now? Wait.....more waiting? For what?
It will either be good or bad......Not in between?
No in betweens here I am afraid!
You either did or you did not!
You either will or you will not!
Out of your hands girl!
The pulling is over more pushing just to pull.
Just how much have I managed to pull out from my body?
Pull? More like pleasantly eased.
Easy for me to say......Easy!
Not all easy.....not even for me!
Certainly not for others!
We are all pulling, pushing to distant locomotives.
Feeding coal into the fire.....more steam.
Tending to the controls.....not over pulling those levers.
It takes time. One has to wait for good things right?
Just how long is anyones guess.
One thing is for sure though.
The end will arrive wether we like it or always does!
(C) JPT 2007
Brilliant - you got it to a tee.
As Edward and Gordon put it as they were trying to get up the hill:
'I can't do it', 'I will do it', Edward pushed and puffed and puffed and pushed, as hard as ever he could, and almost before he realised it, Gordon found himself at the top of the hill. 'I've done it, I've done it, I've done it,' he said proudly.
(From Edward and Gordon by Rev. W Awdry)
Keep helping each other to get to the top of the hill. You'll soon be whizzing down the other side...
This time I read it "you either did or you did not, you either will or you will not" struck me hard. Love it. (and the green ;)
like you do or do not (full on choice yes or full on not), put next to either you will or you will not (I read as: clear virus or clear not).
Feels like control vs. no control. I like it.... has had me thinking today.
Sir, you are not only an artist of photography, but a poet. Bravo indeed
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