Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"My Galaxy Far, Far Away..."

By Jason age 9. January 4th 1980.

One nine year old boy, a recently acquired electronic typewriter and an imagination that wants out! Out of this world and into a galaxy far, far away. It may or may not happen one day, but whatever my destination on this far from perfect planet, I shall make it into a place or time where dreams and nightmares alike shall come true and make me a happy little boy.

"Star Wars"

My best film is The Empire Strikes Back. And I will show you all the people. There are Luke Skywalker and Han Solo and R2-D2 and C3-P0 and there is the Sand People and the Stormtroopers and Darth Vader, Chewbacca. Princess Leia Organa. And the Bounty Hunter and Jawa and R5-D4 and Snaggietooth and Power-Droid and Green Greedo and Hammerhead, Walrus Man and Ben Kenobi, Death Squad and Security Guard and FX-7 and Imperial Stormtrooper and Lando Calrissian, Bossk, Rebel Soldier, Droid Factory and the Imperial Troop Transporter and I have got a Twin-Pod Cloud Car and a Landspeeder and I have got a Star Wars game and I have got a toy monster and I am going to get some other spaceship and i am going to get some more Star Wars men and there are the Tie Fighter. You can get them in a shop called Kiddie City and I am going to go and see it at the pictures in Twickenham and my best man in Star Wars is the little man called Jawa and the Stormtrooper and they all have a gun each and there are 10 new Star Wars men and there are 20 old men and the ages are up to 4 and over and are there are 7 robots and there are 15 men and women and there are 8 monsters. All of them put together makes 30 and I was going to see it but I saw it at Marks. He has got a video. He has got over 41 tapes you can tape it on.


(C) JPT 2008


Shelley said...

Oh wow! That's so cool! and you haven't changed, you still Love it, except your spelling and grammer are a hell of a lot better! Lol. Loads of Love honey xxx

Ample said...

"All of them put together makes 30" look at that.... already the number obsessive - I mean the number observer ;) lol!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaah, how sweet....
