Is it or is it not that our summer this year is already over and done with? If it is over, then June seemed to be it! July has been average weather wise. Nothing like what we all expected thats for sure! There have been a few good days so far in July, but not as many as June had. The singletrack trails up in The Surrey Hills have never been so dry and fast since the end of last summer! Oh well, maybe the end of July will incinerate us all and laugh in our scabby, sizzling sunburnt faces whilst brightly shouting "You couldn't bloody wait, could you!" & "Here, have some fucking sunshine, enough to last you a lifetime!".
Plus, July (so far) seems to be the month of germs and colds, with everyone passing their beloved lurgee onto the person next to them etc etc. It's my turn at the moment, and everyone that I know too has had it already! I may very well be the last to get it out of everyone, so, does this mean that I am the strongest or does it mean that I am the best at hiding from the dreaded lurgee? Either way, I have it now...who wants it after me? Anyone? Anyone?
Sunday 1st June 2008 @ 16:00pm, RPx2, 24.03miles, av 13.6, max 29.1mph, 1hr 46mins, warm , no wind, temp 21, wind 6. Total 1178.90 miles.
Thursday 5th June 2008 @ 13:00pm, RPx2, 25.62 miles, av 12.8, max 29 mph, 2hrs, hot, temp 21, wind 3. Total 1204.52 miles.
Friday 6th June 2008 @ 17:00pm, Lee, Matt, HH, PH, HH, 13.02miles, av 7.8, max 24.8 mph, 1hr 40mins, temp 18, wind 4. Total 1217.54 miles.
Sunday 8th June 2008 @ 13:00pm, Lee, Phil, HH, LH, HH, 20.74miles, av 8.3, max 33.2 mph, 2hrs 29mins, hot, sunny, temp 25, wind 9. Total 1238.28 miles.
Friday 13th June @ 19:00pm, Lee, Mike, Ian, Matt, HH, PH, HH, 14.52 miles, av 7.5, max 27.7 mph, 1hr 56mins, mild, temp 17. Total 1252.80 miles.
Sunday 15th June @ 13:00pm, Marble Hill Park & RP, 15.29 miles, av 12.9, max 28.1 mph, 1hr 11mins, warm, windy, temp 18, wind 10. Total 1268.09 miles.
Monday 16th June 2008 @ 19:00pm, Swinley Forest, Lee, Ian, 17.18miles, av 8.1, max 29.4 mph, 2hrs 7mins, mild, tiny bit of rain, very good ride, mostly new trails (yellow brick rd), temp 17, right arm sore! Total 1285.27 miles.
Sunday 22nd June 2008 @ 13:00pm, Phil, HH, PH, LH, 21.68 miles, av 8.1, max 27.9 mph, 2hrs 40mins, temp 21, sunny, windy, Phil new red pedals. Total 1306.95 miles.
Thursday 26th June 2008 @ 15:00pm, RP, 23.51miles, av 14.2, max 26.5 mph, 1hr 39mins, sunny, windy, warm, new road tyres on Dessert Storm, very fast! Total 1330.46 miles.
Saturday 28th June 2008 @ 15:00pm onwards, Bon Jovi concert at Twick Rugby Ground & Mums, 10.49 miles, av 13.6, max 23.9 mph, 46mins, warm, windy, Dessert Storm. Total 1340.95 miles.
Sunday 29th June 2008 @ 19:45pm, Lee, 16.19 miles, SF, av 8.2, max 19.8 mph, 1hr 58mins, warm & dry. Total 1357.14 miles.
(C) JPT 2008.........Total 1340.95 miles (up to June 28th)
Now I understand why Shakespeare wrote a play called Midsummer Night's...something or other - either Dream or Eve (don't laugh at me when I have senior moments - you will too, when you're my age) - it sounds like summer pretty much goes downhill in England after the Solstice, therefore June 21st is a big deal! You should have been an American - we get 4 solid months of summer (at least where I live) a year.
Happy Cycling!
time to find your own family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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