And both boy and girl are thirty seven years old this week (23rd to be exact @ 01:13 am (Nicola @ 01:20am). Myself and my twin Nicola (Happy Birthday Nic-Nic:) in fact. Although, we didn't actually see each other on the day. Nicola, her hubby Lee (my best friend) and my Dad went to see the Tutankhamen exhibition in the old Millennium Dome building. My Dad Loves all things Egyptian. That is where my surname came from all those years ago don't you know? Tolmie/Ptolemy.
Anyway, I spent the afternoon of my thirty seventh birthday up at the Royal Free Hospital collecting three months worth of HIV drugs and while I was up there I had them take a blood sample because it has been twelve months since I finished my Hep C treatment and six months since I had my SVR, which was all clear by the way. I just want to see if it is all gone still, if you know what I mean. The results will be ready in a week or two. I'll be sure to post the results here as soon as I get them.
Then later on, My Mum made a very tasty turkey dinner at my request and Tania was there too with her two kids Millie & Daisy. Then on my way home I popped in to see Jac . She is taking me out on Sunday night to a restaurant in Betchworth, right near to where they filmed a bunch of Blakes 7 & Dr Who episodes back in the late seventies/early eighties. I Love my birthday...and all my Lovely cards. The picture at the top of this post is Jac's card.
The day before my Birthday I visited my Dad, who lives just around the corner and we played, as we always do when I 'pop' round, Tiger Woods golf on his PS2. He beat me, which is very unusual! But I did get two eagles in a row, which was nice. And we also watched an episode of "Worlds Most Amazing Videos" half of which is footage of American cops chasing American baddies in high speed pursuits and the other half of yet more baddies demanding cash from various petrol stations and convenience stores, mostly at gun point, some knives and even a man dressed as Darth Vader wielding a wooden stick in place of a light sabre! He eventually got away with nothing, as the owner of the store fought him off with nothing more than a mop!
My twin Nicola and I were very kindly taken out for some yummy Chinese food on Friday evening. Nicola's husband Lee took us to a local restaurant. It has a ceiling that if you look up, it looks like you're looking into space...sort of. Thousands of tiny stars, twinkling just like real ones. I think I was a little quiet during the evening, because earlier when I was cycling in Richmond Park alone, My path crossed with a fellow mountain biker (or should that be fellowette?) and a few words were exchanged, like Wow!, isn't it windy and the like. Then, because I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, I sped off! Although I really didn't want to at all! I wanted to chat a bit and see what we had in common and find out where else she rides etc...but I went! And as soon as I did, I felt totally and utterly deflated and miserable! And I kind of felt that way for the rest of the day! I just couldn't get the chance meeting out of my head. I just know that I will be looking for her the same time next week. Am I a weirdo or what? Why did I feel like that?
My Mum said that when I was born back in January 1971, it was cold, wet and miserable weather! This week has been quite nice, with sunny spells and a temperature that is above average. I wish it was snowing though. I Love the fact that I was born at 01:13 in the morning. I'd have hated it if I had been born at two in the afternoon or something like that! How boring would that have been? I'm pretty sure that this is the reason that I Love the night time so much...especially between the hours of midnight and 02:00. The thought of knowing that most of everyone else in the area is either asleep or trying to get to sleep, while I am awake, makes me feel all nice and warm inside.
While I was at my mums yesterday night I had a few questions for her that I had written down on a small piece of paper. They were questions about my birth and as soon as I began asking her the questions she asked if I was worried that she might die soon! Of course not, I said. I just want them for my Birthday blog. She'll be sixty five in March. She's not gonna die yet!!
Anyway, this is what I found out; I was born at one thirteen on the Saturday morning of January the twenty third in nineteen seventy one, along with my twin Nicola who was born a whole seven minutes later at one twenty in the morning. My mum wasn't expecting twins and the nurses had no idea that there were two of us in that big belly of my mums! In those days my mum was over weight. They would have know that she had twins if the machine that detects things like that wasn't actually broken. So when she went into labour at about 19:30pm on the Friday night of the 22nd January they were only expecting one. So when 01:13 came along, a whole five and three quarter hours later out I popped. I was fat, round and bald, weighing in at a healthy 8.8lbs. And when I was born a little black nurse came over to push the afterbirth out and soon realized that it was in fact another baby. She was so small that she had to stand on a box to reach my mums bed!
Then came Nicola. Seven minutes later and skinny, scrawny with a head covered in tiny little veins like a newly hatched bird. She weighed in at 7.4lbs. Our combined weights are 15.12lbs. Add them up and what do you get? Yay!!
I also asked where our names came from. I was almost a Nicholas at one point. Nicola & Nicholas. Nicholas after my mums Sisters boy. He died when he was just 16 when he was hit by a car whilst out on his motorbike! The car wheels crushed his chest and he died instantly! Instead I was named after a TV cowboy called Jason, which was popular at the time I was born...or the actor that played him was called Jason. Either way, they liked it enough to name me after him. My middle name was just something they both liked. Nicola was probably named after Nicholas. My mum wasn't too sure. Her middle name "Kerry" was basically taken from Kerrygold butter. Interesting!
So, on to the end of the week of my thirty seventh birthday. On Thursday evening I went kayaking as usual, over at Ealing pool. Still got my rolls going. Then on Sunday (tonight), Jac took me to a restaurant called "Arkle Manor" in Betchworth. Very Lovely place indeed. We were both stuffed to the brim with yummy food. I was glad to have gotten in a 21 miles bike ride that afternoon in a very bust Richmond Park! I filmed Jac for ten minutes just eating chocolate ice cream and waffling on about god knows what (no doubt offensive;). I have threatened to post it onto my Youtube;)
On our way out of the restaurant and back to the car, I was sure that I could see "The Liberator" and it's crew suspended in amongst the billion and one twinkling stars that perfectly punctured the cloudless, icy black night sky! I wish I was with them! Teleport NOW!!!
Thank you everyone for such a Lovely week and for all the wonderful cards and birthday wishes:)
(C) JPT 2008.........
Hi Jae
I had a good birthday too twin bro'. Couldn't think of anyone I would rather share a birthday with than you. Tutankhamen was good and the Chinese was delicious and yes I did think you were a bit quiet that evening! Now I know why! Thanks for my book x. I just worked out that we are over 13,500 days old!! Arrgh!
Love your twin sis' xxxx
Gotta keep a relaxed eye out for that girl. It's ok to get all freaky and ride off too soon, as long as you try again. Just try, Jae. You're a fantastic catch ;) Trust me :)
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