Ouch!! Back on the crutches again! At the time of posting this (07.11.07) I am stuck indoors recovering from a fall on my bike last night, half way around a ten mile loop of Leith Hill in the Surrey Hills...in the pitch blackness of night! I did have lights, but what with it being autumn and what with all the leaves covering up the trail, I failed to see a ten inch deep puddle of mud and as soon as I went into it I stopped dead and didn't unclip my foot from my pedal in time and went over quite heavily onto my right knee slap bang onto the only rock for half a mile;)
It hurt like hell for a good 30 seconds, but I had to carry on. I brushed myself down and continued with the remaining five miles with a very sore knee! All the while knowing that I should get home asap for some much needed F8...which I did.
So now I'm stuck indoors wondering just when I will be able to go back out on my bike. I'm at the 3189.57 miles mark out of my goal for the year of 3600. I better get my skates on eh;)
Plus, it looks like my Thursday nights kayaking session tomorrow will be spent in my flat!! Anything good on telly?
Tuesday 2nd October 2007 @ 18:00pm, RPx2 & 3 quarters, 27.35 miles, av 12.8, max 27.4 mph, clear & sunny then dark & cool, 2hrs 7mins. Total 2972.52 miles...(2579.1 miles since Cateye)
Friday 5th October 2007 @ 15:30pm, 13.86 miles, av 13.3, max 26 mph, RPx1, 1hr 2mins, clear and sunny, I got stung by something on the way round!, wind 7, temp 18. Total 2986.38 miles...(2593 miles since Cateye)
Monday 8th October 2007 @ 20:30pm, RPx1, 12.46 miles, 58mins, av 12.9, max 24.6 mph, dark & mild, dry, saw two badgers, right ankle really hurt and felt very vulnerable! Total 2998.84 miles...(2605.4 miles since Cateye)
Wednesday 10th October 2007 @ 16:00pm, 21.20 miles, RPx2, dry & mild, av 12.8, max 27.4 mph, right ankle hurts still, 1hr 39mins. Total 3020.04 miles...(2626.6 miles since Cateye)
Friday 12th October 2007 @ 19:15pm, 22.73 miles, Lee, BP & RPx1, Dark and warm, no wind, av 12.3, max 24.3 mph, 1hr 51mins, right ankle still feels like shit, wind 2, temp 17. Total 3042.77 miles...(2649.4 miles since Cateye)
Monday 15th October 2007 @ 12:00pm, Phil, HH & LH, 12 miles, av 8.4, max 26.8 mph, 1hr 25mins pedaling, ankles felt ok, warm & sunny, temp 17, wind 10. Total 3054.77 miles...(2661.4 miles since Cateye)
Tuesday 16th October 2007 @ 20:00pm, Swinley Forest, Bracknell, Lee, James, Paul & Michael (James' mates), 8.12 miles, av 7.2, max 18.6 mph, 1hr 7mins pedaling, mild but very wet and slippery!, dark too, I fell off a few times and grazed my right knee and inside right shin, finished ride at 22:10pm. Total 3062.89 miles...(2669.5 miles since Cateye)
Friday 19th October 2007 @ 19:20pm, BP, RP, Lee, 20.67 miles, av 12.3, max 24.2 mph, 1hr 41mins pedaling, dark, clear and quite cold, my toes were frozen!, temp 9 (felt like 2), wind 3. Total 3083.56 miles...(2690.2 miles since Cateye)
Sunday 21st October 2007 @ 15:00pm, HH, LH, 18.72 miles, av 9.2, max 27.3 mph, 2hrs 2mins pedaling, bright and sunny, mildish, very busy up there with other mountain bikers, ankles felt ok, temp 13, wind 4. Total 3102.28 miles...(2708.9 miles since Cateye)
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 @ 19:30pm, RP, 14.23 miles, (new leg covers) av 12.6, max 24.5 mph, 1hr 8mins pedaling, cool & dry, dark. Total 3116.51 miles...(2723.1 miles since Cateye)
Friday 26th October 2007 @ 19:00pm, RP, 14.21 miles, av 13, max 23.7 mph, 1hr 5mins pedaling,, cool & dry, dark, temp, 10, wind 4. Total 3131.72 miles...(2737.3 miles since Cateye)
Sunday 28th October 2007 @ 19:00pm, RP, 12.50 miles, av 12.8, max 22.2 mph, 58 mins pedaling, dark & pouring with rain, windy and mild. Total 3143.22 miles...(2749.8 miles Cateye)
Tuesday 30th October 2007 @ 20:00pm, LH, Lee, James & Paul, 10.03 miles, av 6.9, max 29.2 mph, 1hr 27 mins pedaling, dark & clear, cool, I forgot to bring my lights and borrowed one of Lee's...I couldn't see a bleeding thing!! Total 3153.25 miles...(2759.9 miles Cateye)
(C) JPT 2007.........3189.57 miles.
Lovely photos once again me dear.
And sorry to hear about your poorly knee. Get that strapping on...
Yes as Ros says get a good strapping, or something!
R.I.C.E. and (frozen)peas!
get well soon, ok?
December looks set to be a tough month then if you are going to hit that target with a duff knee.
I reckon you'll do it though.
Change of subject - do you fancy doing the polaris challenge with me next spring? Date not set yet but its likely to be March some time. I'm supposed to be revising at the moment so that of course means I'm on the internet looking for more interesting things to do. Hence the muddy endurance challenge.
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