Oh yes! The uninfected will keep going on about it won't they. I must remember to remember that I'm not totally uninfected am I, & my Hep C could come back...couldn't it? I must try and remember that. Did I just say that? Oh Yes, I did;)
You know what I mean though don't you. My Hep C is still up in viral heaven, heavily indulged in some sort of sordid sex act no doubt with someone else's recently gotten rid of Hep C. I can just imagine them both right now, entwined together like a couple of horny slugs, with a sign on the wall saying "HIV virus welcome" (You never know, maybe one day eh). They're not bothered about their previous owners in the very least! They're far too stupid to care about us anymore.
As a result of my good result, I have found (as I new I would) that my cycling OCD has more or less gone away and although I am feeling quite tired these last few weeks during my rides I am still doing the miles. 30 on Monday and another 30 Wednesday afternoon and yet another 30 miles yesterday afternoon. Talking of cycling, maybe someone can help me...Warrior Woman? A few times now whilst riding around RP I have almost collided with a few runners coming from the opposite direction on the Tamsin Trail. What happened was that as I was going along minding me own business, listening to me moosic on't i-pod and also minding to stay on the left hand side of the track (just like you would on the roads here in the UK) these runners were on their right and seemed surprised that I didn't move over for them and instead carried on as I thought I ought to. I wasn't going too fast and could see that they could see me and anyway, they didn't like it and right at the last minute jumped out of my way and shouted something. I didn't say a word as I really don't know what the score is for a shared public footpaths/trails. Is it the same as on public roads, like I had thought? If it is then they should be on their left too right? Maybe they don't drive cars and don't have a clue what side to be on (but then do many car drivers either?). Most cyclists stay on their left and so do some runners...but most people just walk/run/cycle wherever the hell they want! I won't be the one crying when my bar end pierces someones soft belly or tangles up with another cyclist (believe me, it has nearly happened on more than one occasion!) and we both end up on the gravel apologizing to each other with me shouting "Stay away from my blood dude! You really don't want to get involved!";)
Also yesterday I was up at the RFH having an MOT on my joints, in particular my right elbow (also known as my 'Glass Elbow' and my 'Broken Wing') and both my ankles. My physiotherapist (Paul) drew some marks onto a sheet of paper that had an outline of my entire body on (back & front) and began to mark it with a biro where I was having problems. He also moved and pulled and twisted (firmly but very comfortably I might add) all my joints and came to the conclusion that both my ankles and my right elbow are indeed fucked and booked me in for another visit in two weeks time. He also X-Ray'd my left ankle as it has been playing up quite a bit whilst walking. He thinks there might be something rough or sticking out where the two bones rub together. Hopefully the X-Ray will show us what there is and maybe what can be done...if anything. I told him about all the cycling I do and kayaking and not once did he say that I shouldn't (which is good). Actually, even if he had I would have said 'Up-yours' and walked out...No bike...No Jae...Simple!
I had a great (last) weekend away in Kidderminster & Shrewsbury with a whole bunch of people from the Hep C forum which Joan had wonderfully organized. Ros & her Hubby Ade put me up for a couple of nights at their Kidderminster home and fed me & bathed me and watered me too:) Then on the Saturday we drove to Shrewsbury and met up with Joan and her Hubby Steve and loads of others too who are either on tx or have been on tx. And what a great bunch of people they are too. The weather was great and the food was also very tasty...especially Ros's flapjacks:)
Anyway, enough about that. What about my dreams? Have you noticed in the last several months that there has been a distinct lack of dreams in my blog? I thought you did. Ever since I finished my treatment for Hep C my vivid and highly detailed dreams have dried up terribly and left me with just tiny bits and bobs...even straight after waking from my dreams I can't remember them much at all! For instance; I had a few dreams the night before the night before last that I almost certainly would have remembered in much more detail previously. My bike gets stolen from a railway station, I look for it, find it and stick a scalpel into the young man that took it! In another one the same night I dreamed that a very good friend of mine got their Hep C back. But where are the details? And what's happened to my poetry? Where has it all gone? I do have a few dreams saved that I never posted whilst I was on tx. The one about the freeze dried vagina's (which I like) and another about a little boy who gets crushed under the wheels of a very big lorry (which I don't) and another where I come face to face with a green (and very sexy) woman swimming in this flood (which was also green) just outside my front room window (I like that one too).
Oh, one thing I do remember is that when I found my bike the wheels were all loose and wouldn't spin properly and just a little more gross is that when I stuck the scalpel into the Man's body I could feel it digging & picking into his bones!
And another thing. I have to do that study again where I do without Factor VIII for 72hrs to determine what my Factor VIII levels are because my results came back at around the 5% mark (I'm supposed to be less than 1%). What does this mean? Am I a moderate to severe (or even mild?) haemophiliac all of a sudden? I'm sure they think I didn't do my bit and stay away from the Factor during those 72hrs. I assure you my droogs that I did.
So back I go on Tuesday next week to have more blood sucked out from my leech-like vein and a whole weekend without any Factor whatsoever. Must remember to take it easy when I'm out up in the Surrey Hills on Sunday with Phil from 'Blood, Sweat & Tyres';)
And on Tuesday night I am up at The Scala in Kings Cross to see The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster' again:) Jac's on holiday in Portugal for that week so I have to find someone else to go with me who doesn't mind getting kicked in the head by crowd surfers or going deaf even!
Check out the video for their new EP 'In The Garden' in this link;
I Love this band!
P.s. If a bucket is too much, then a milk bottle will do;)
(C) JPT 2007.........2348.60 miles.
Your (un)infected blog title gave me instant recall of Muse - Unintended...
"Choice to live my life extended"
The clearance of Hep C is an emotive issue indeed, a time for almost simultaneous rejoicing, re-evaluating and grieving. Matt Bellamy ironically puts it well with with the last verse of Unintended
"But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before"
ps good photo
When I first started cycling I couldn't fathom out the etiquette of dealing with oncoming cyclists, I always ended up in this left, right, left dance. It wasn't until someone shouted at me that it occurred to me we should just ride on the left as you would on the roads.
When I'm out running, life gets a bit different. I think I run as you say, anywhere i bloody well like and I reckon i expect everyone to get out of my way. After all, it takes me one heck of a lot of energy to run and i don't want to be adding to the distance by weaving in and out of bikes.
Mind you I'm kinda selfish and it depends what I'm doing at the time. If I'm roleerblading I think the bikes should get of my way but if I'm cycling and a blader is on the cycle path OMG that is so unreasonable!
No reasonable answer from me I'm afraid.
I look out for you every time I run through RP, I'll spot you eventually and then we can play chicken and see who budges first!
I think its mainly down to two things:
1.If you are running with someone or a group, you want to talk, so you end up side by side,
2. Might is right. They think that because there are more of them than you, they can force you off line.
I always stick to the left of the trail, I only move over to pass people who don't see me coming and I take no prisoners for those who see me coming and don't have the courtesy to make room.
Beautiful photo. I've never seen a heart shaped piece of moss but I do have a heart shaped mole on my wrist - I reckon it's a good luck charm.
I always listen to lyrics and like those vW sista, very apt. Am addicted to Black Holes and Revelations at the mo, love Map of the Problematique:
"when we bleed we bleed the same"
Top volume on my car cd - I love it!!
Hahah I can just imagine you prone on the floor with another cyclist shouting "Stay away from my blood dude!" very funny image, not funny really but there you go. What is your bar end btw??? ;)
Hey your fund-raising ride is coming up! See you passed your mark already. No testing Factor VIII on that weekend, right :) I see you've said you've been feeling a little bit tired on your rides lately, is it nerves ;)
I had actually noticed the lack of demented dreams, though I see they are still present, just less memorable (sorry to hear it) and poetry.... same for me a bit, but I keep thinking it's because I spend less time sitting completely still (ahh the good 'ol days :)
Hope the news is good for your joints. You're an athlete. They better treat you like one!
Take care.
Jason, when I saw that mold picture, I thought it was photoshopped! WOW what a great shot! Love it! Love you!
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