Tuesday 1st May 2007 @ 18:30pm, 8.14 miles, Callow Hill near Kidderminster (Bewdley), Elvis and Ade on Dessert Storm, Ros waited by the start, sunny & war, light breeze, 48 mins pedaling. Total 1283.90 miles...(899.3 miles since I got Cateye)
Thursday 3rd May 2007 @ 15:00pmish, Elvis, 18.03 miles, RP, 1hr 16 mins pedaling, warm, light wind, av 14.2, max 28.8 mph, temp 15, wind 9. Total 1301.93 miles...(917.4 miles since I got Cateye)
Friday 4th May 2007 @ 18: 45pm, Elvis, Lee & Ian, RP x two and then some, 27.76 miles, 2hrs 38 mins pedaling (out of 4hrs total), cool with medium wind, av 11.6, max 33.4 mph, wind 12, wind 8. Total 1329.69 miles...(945.2 miles since I got Cateye)
Sunday 6th May 2007 @ 13:00pmish, local roads & half RP to Kingston, 11.13 miles, 55 mins pedaling, av 12.2, max 27.9 mph, warm & windy. Total 1340.82 miles...(956.3 miles on Cateye)
Monday 7th May 2007 @ 15:45pmish, Kneller Park with Mum & Daisy for a mile or so...Mums knee doesn't bend enough yet, then Thames tow-path from Tedd Lock to Hampton Court and back through BP, 1hr 15 mins pedaling, 14.23 miles in all, av 11.3, max 25.6 mph, warm & quite windy. Total 1355.05 miles...(970.6 miles on Cateye)
Wednesday 9th May 2007 @ 12:00pm ish, RP, BP, 30.02 miles, 2hrs 6mins pedaling, warmish, spitting with rain...more like wet dust, av 14.2, max 30.8 mph, temp 15, wind 11. Total 1385.07 miles...(1000.6 miles on Cateye)
Injured my little toe on Thursday night/early morning by accidentally kicking one of my 6kg hand weights! Ouch!!!
Saturday 12th May 2007 @ 12:00pm, RP, 18.02 miles, 1hr 22mins pedaling, toe swollen & sore, warm & sunny with a spell of rain halfway round, windy, av 13.1, max 25.1 mph. Total 1403.09 miles...(1018.6 miles since Cateye)
Monday 14th May 2007 @ 18:00pm, 17.40 miles, 1hr 20mins pedaling, sunny after all day being grey, wet and very very dull...it was Lovely to get out even if my toe was still swollen, bruised and sore, cool, light breeze, plenty of midges along the river Thames, av 13, max 27.8 mph, temp 12, wind 5. Total 1420.49 miles...(1036.0 miles since Cateye)
Wednesday 16th May 2007 @ 17:30pmish, 1hr 18 mins pedaling, 17.81 miles, warmish and little wind, light and damp after recent rain, av 13.6, max 27.4 mph, temp 14, wind 10. Total 1438.30 miles...(1053.8 miles since Cateye)
Friday 18th May 2007 @ 18:45pm, Lee, RP x 2 laps, 2hrs pedaling, 25.15 miles, warm, trying to rain and rather windy, light mostly then dark, av 12.5, max31 mph, wind 17 with a peak of 27 mph, temp 15. Total 1463.45 miles...(1079.0 miles since Cateye)
Monday 21st May 2007 @ 18:00pm, BP and Thames tow-path fig 8, 15.02 miles, coolish and dampish, light breeze. light, av 13.9, max 21.6 mph, 1hr 4 mins pedaling, temp 14, wind 6. Total 1478.47 miles...(1094.0 miles since Cateye)
Friday 25th May 2007 @ 18:00pmish, RP, 22.33 miles, I used Dessert Storm today as Elvis is having a service ready for next Sundays (4th June) race, took photos for World Towel Day, warmish, light breeze, light, av13.5, max30.4 mph, 1hr 39mins pedaling, temp 20, wind 7. Total 1500.80 miles...(1116.4 miles since Cateye)
Sunday 27th May 2007 @ 17:30pm...see blog, RP x 2, 23.42 miles, Dessert Storm, raining all day and muddy, quite cool too, light breeze, light, av 13.2, max 26.1 mph, 1hr 45mins pedaling, temp 11, wind 5. Total 1524.22 miles...(1139.8 miles since Cateye)
Tuesday 29th May 2007 @ 17:45 pm, RPx2 laps all on the road, 23.06 miles, Elvis, 1hr 30mins pedaling, cool & cloudy with sunny intervals...threat of rain, light wind, av 15.3, max 34.8 mph, temp 14, wind 8. Total 1547.28 miles...1162.9 miles since Cateye)
Thursday 31st May 2007 @ 16:15pmish, RPx2 and a half laps then to Kingston via Twickenham and back home all on the roads, 31.14 miles on Elvis, 2hrs 10mins pedalling, warm and sunny, light wind, Right arm hurt and right ankle too, av 14.3, max 31.9 mph, temp 17, wind 9. Total 1578.42 miles...(1194.1 miles since Cateye)
(C) JPT 2007.........1578.42 miles
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