So after my 35 mile bike ride last Friday I did another 45 miles all in one go on Sunday too (during this epic ride I got the shot of the Swans at Kingston). I think it has caught up with me now and I'm beginning to feel tired...or is it that I have always felt tired but never let myself admit to feeling it? Still, that didn't stop me from going kayaking for an hour on Monday and another 20 mile bike ride Tuesday early evening after a longish day up London with a fellow Blogger & Hep C forum member friend (Miss Poppy) whom I have had the pleasure of meeting not once but on two occasions over the first two days of this week:) Poppy was down in London to have a Fibroscan on her liver and as I live right by where she was staying with her partners Brother & Wife we decided to get together and meet. And what a Lovely person she is too. If you have ever had the good fortune to meet her then you will know what I mean when I say that she has a big smile and an even bigger heart. I'm sure that if you check her blog out she will have written a post about her first ever Fibroscan. I sat in with her at The St Stephen's Centre at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital and found it all quite strange being in a clinic like that and not being the one to be scanned and prodded etc...that's what I'm used to you see. It was a pleasure Poppy to be your escort for the day and light those candles and witness the surreal sight of the pianst driving whilst playing his miniature grand piano around the perimeter of St Paul's Cathedral! And the mouse on the underground too...I thought they had all been hovered up!
I think the tiredness is in my head...more of a mental thing. My body feels alright...but where is my mind???
Still no sign of a trip to North Wales for a bit of kayaking. I want to find this lake that I first ever kayaked in back in the 80's with the Haemophilia Adventure holidays. I need to get my bloody arse in gear and stop fucking around in the Thames and get out of poxy London and see a bit of the rest of the UK! Everyone who I know who has a kayak are too busy to come on a bit of a kayaking/camping trip with us just now. I know Lee is well up for something like that but not just now what with his & Nic's moving into a new house and all. I got to get my head into gear and join a club and meet more people and maybe get out a bit more that way. It does get a bit boring going out all alone so much.
I'm not too sure what is stopping me from going to North Wales on my own to be honest. Hold on...yes I do. Would be a bit lonely wouldn't it? I'm sure there are loads of people who Love to go out and be alone away from home and all of that, and I thought that I was one of them but the thought of being all alone up there in North Wales paddling around those beautiful lakes and coasts freaks me out a little. I think I think too much don't I?
Ian & I went to another pool last night. Woking Pool in the Park set aside an hour for kayakers at 20:45 on Wednesdays to come practice their bit's & bob's. It was my first time in there and a whole new bunch of very friendly fellow kayakers. I got talking to a fellow sea kayaker. She was telling me that she kayaked kayaked from Hurst Castle on the UK mainland to The Needles over on the Isle of Wight. It's got me all keen on doing it myself now. But alone? I don't think so!
P.s. Happy Birthday to Manf & Annibee today:)
(C) JPT 2007.........1924.62 miles.