Time flies when you are having fun they say.........
So used to swallowing these little blocks of compacted chalk powder & various other chemicals everyday for what seem like and in actual fact are years...I reckon that if you looked at me from space through a telescope I would look just like a giant tablet. And if I ran into and right through a brickwall, then the shape left behind in the wall would almost certainly be in the form of a perfectly shaped tablet! I swear that once when I was riding my bike through Richmond Park at great speed, a little boy looked up at his Mum and said "Mummy, Why is that big tablet riding a bike?'
My throat is tablet shaped too, stamped with a series of numbers & letters all the way down into my fizzy pill shaped stomach...SQV-500...GILEAD 4331-300...ACV-200...DS-100...SUSTIVA...If I bothered to look in the loo after a good dump, me thinks it may well be full of perfectly formed pills...all ready to go back in the cupboard;)
Also, my eyes are shaped like tablets.....the reflection in the mirror tells me so. A girl once told me that I had Lovely tablets.
My heart has this uncanny knack of being able to mimic the dimensions of a pill as it finds it's way down through the various stages that it goes through in order to deliver it's much needed medicine into my body very well...
...In goes a mouthful of different shaped tablets of many different colours. Pills & capsules along with the tiniest swig of water...already the size of them are changing...dissolving, as my heart reduces in size as the blood red pumping muscle releases blood to the rest of my body, the tablet has begun to dissolve & break up as it takes it's turn to do the very same thing by way of disintegration.
Then as my heart increases in size again....a new batch of blood having found it's way into my heart to keep me alive....the ingredients of the tablet have filled my belly with fizz and start to distribute important chemicals around my infected body and do the same thing. Then not long after the tablet has gone.....in goes another one, heart back to it's normal size, filled back up with fresh blood again. The container of tablets in the cupboard has an excited look on it's face......Me next! Me next!
Then we come to my brain. My brain isn't much I have to admit, but I do need it nevertheless and it does do a good job of helping me remember things like when to take my tablets and when to re-set my alarm on my mobile for my next batch of tablets & birthdays and things like that (mostly...although more often than not, my brain and it's memory section are all but dust). My brain has this job to carry out every single day of it's life! I don't think it has been damaged yet.....as far as I know. There isn't a blood test yet to tell. But one thing I do know.......My brain is tablet shaped just like everything else about me. My whole life has been shaping this way for a very long time. Not just any old tablets either, like vitamins and paracetamol, but real tablets that are sometimes quite poisonous and mostly life saving...Mostly!
What then, must my liver look like? What kind of god awful shape has that slippery wet lump turned itself into? She has been good to me though and I have been good to her. I know she doesn't like certain things passing between her lips but I am afraid I have to force feed her some of those ingredients so as to keep us healthy. I know from reading the information leaflets that come with my HIV drugs that she doesn't like some of them, but she doesn't tell me....not out loud she doesn't anyway....she tells the doctors at the Royal Free Hospital when I'm not looking. She kind of leaves these special signals in my blood that the doctor steals with a speshial blood extractor from the miles of veins hidden just below the surface of my skin. She has been photographed by the best medical paparazzi in the world. I didn't see the pics.....I looked the other way and thought of Enid Blyton's Mary Mouse. Happy thoughts.
Up until recently she was ill but I nursed her back to good health with all these tiny injections and more pills! She seems to be all better again now. She is a very precious part of my life and I am so happy she has got better. This doesn't mean I can treat her like normal though.....I still have to take special care of her.....so take special care of her I shall . Did you know that she is the largest organ in my body? The larger they are.....the harder they fall!
Look after it!
(C) JPT 2007.........1403.09 miles
I love this post. Very funny, well written, insightful. And you do have such lovely tablets. :)
Love the picture, really nice, arty one. But can't read posts white on black, gives me flashes in eyes : (
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