The dentist has me in his chair! Strapped down and powerless to fight off his powerful rubber-clad hands! His mask speaks to me.....tells me what needs doing. One of three possible routes. The first being to fill the recently opened cavity......but he says that just by looking at it, it is probably too deep and won't take a filling. But he will have to look properly first.....get right in there and look see! But not until next week. Wednesday in fact! Fill me up with Factor VIII, swallow a handful of Transatlantic tablets (Tranexamic Acid), sit back and open WIDE!
Option two is a straight forward extraction. Take the bastard thing out completely, once & for all. No more worries, no more problems......just the one sitting....great. Then there is the third and last option. Root canal surgery. Dig into the tooth and clean out the canals, fill them and crown over if necessary.
I'm not totally in Love with any of them to be quite honest. I do hope though that just a filling is required. But failing that, I would probably go for a bloody extraction. The root stuff he said, would require at least three or four visits to complete, with a few weeks in between each visit. I don't fancy that! From the little I have read about root canal dental work & tooth extractions, I am beginning to wish that I had cleaned my teeth when I was young boy. The feeling is a little remenicent of the time when I left a £1200 mountain bike unlocked outside a newsagents to buy a single pint of milk for 20 seconds (I could still see the front wheel by the open door) got nicked! I have only myself to blame! I learned from that brushing my teeth tonight, I am learning.
If anyone reading this has any recommendations on the choices that I have been given, they would be greatly appreciated. The only thing bothering me about the extraction is the bleeding! I don't care about the pain so much. And the thing I don't like about the root canal work is the fact that it can fail down the line sometime, and cause more problems. And the thought of going back several times to get it finished just does my head in! At least the extraction is just the one job.....all done and dusted on the day so to speak. And at least they will all be carried out in the same chair with just a local. No overnight stays like in the old days (Haemophilia) with my Dad asleep in a bed next to mine. I was a kid at the time;)
This part of my mouth (my lower left side, at the back) has been bothering me for years. I just want it gone! Just don't you dare make my mouth bleed to much Mr Dentist! Or else!
So the next seven days build-up to the whatever is done, I will be a grumpy, miserable old sod! God knows what I will be like in the days after next Wednesday! I just won't see anyone. I may be surprised though. It may go so well, I may kiss the dentist. I will take my mind off the impending butchery with plenty of cycling and eating kebab shop bought Humus, as all the Humus in the supermarkets have been taken off the shelves as it has been contaminated with semolina.......Salmonella sorry;) It is more expensive but doesn't half taste better. MMMmmmm!
I have a bike ride planned for tomorrow (it will be tomorrow in 5 minutes;) as it happens. It will be an exact copy of the 33 mile ride I did last Wednesday around the two Royal Parks that I live right bang in the middle of. Kind of a giant figure of eight. I want to see if my old fashioned way of mile mapping is as accurate as it is supposed to be, by doing the whole lot exactly the same but with a modern bicycle trip computer. I shall let you all know presuming I'm not drowned in the forecasted rain for tomorrow. But according to it should have stopped raining by about two or three pm. 'British weather forecasters'.........I think I will take my waterproof & an extra banana with me;) I got my i-pod charging as we That and it's 1000 tracks should help me get through the rain I am sure. I shall be wearing my new 'Medic-Alert' bracelet too. A nice blue one. I thought about a red one but then decided against it incase there was so much blood it would be invisible and the paramedics might not see it;) Black would have been the same colour as my sleeve and therefore invisible also, so blue it was. The same colour as Ample's lost watch, that was.....found a dream.....then in real life.....spooky eh;). Also blue is the same colour as the light on a Police car or ambulance or the sea or sky or my favourite movies;).........or the gowns worn by operating theatre staff in some hospitals. So it seems blue is more red than a funny Jason kind of way.
Let me just finish with the wonderful pancakes I scoffed over at my Mums tonight. It was Shrove Tuesday. I have no idea what it means, but I enjoyed it anyway:) I had all the mixture ready and waiting for me. Flour, milk & eggs all whisked together, poured straight into a hot shallow pan with a little oil and toss half way. All four of them went perfick.........we can paint over the ones stuck to the ceiling like we did last year;) My Mum had some black cherry jam, vanilla sugar (great for the teeth) and lemon juice. Thanks Mum:)
(C) JPT 2007
I'd go with the extraction...and some laughing gas to go along with the local! If you actually found a dentist who gives you the choice of having a decayed tooth removed, rather than pumping more money into it, you've found an honest dentist.
And you are still young, there is still time to take better care of your teeth!
I second the extraction.... one go and be done.... but I'm still holding out for the simple filling.... that root surgery stuff, multiple visits, multiple everything, ow.... oh I hope you don't have to do that one..... good luck. :-( ) that's you open wide
I'm with the girls on this one. Even though you'll probably have to pound a truckload of factor... go for it and make the problem go away for good.
My dentist (the most hemophilia aware I've ever met) shies away from doing anything even slightly scary in my mouth (I still have all my wisdom teeth, although they're more mercury amalgam than tooth matter now). I tease him that he's got his kids' college tuition sitting at the back of my jaw.
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