Crikey, where has all my creativeness gone?!? I bet you that you thought I was done with my blog? I can tell you that I haven't. I have just been finding it ultra difficult to think of anything to put in it! Where have all my dreams gone? And my poems etc? Even my cycling posts seemed to be a waste of time and have missed January's and February's...until now that is. I still managed to jot down my cycling statistics and take the odd photo during all of my rides and shall post them here today starting with January 2009. So, what can I say about January? It was cold! It was muddy! And that's about it. Oh, and I turned 38 on the 23rd too. I thought that I'd never reach 30, let alone 38! But, here I am, still riding my bike and kayaking weekly...albeit in a heated swimming pool (during the winter anyway). I don't think I'll ever get used to having HIV, even though having it these days is really nothing to worry about what with the brilliant treatment regimes available etc. It was learning that I got it at the age that I was that done most of the damage I suppose? I wish I'd found out about it now, as a man and not a 16yr old boy just getting into college and girls for the very first time. Oh, and the tv adverts and news stories didn't help either back then! But, I had to find out all those years ago and at such a young age to give me the best chance of beating this disease and coming to terms with it. Which I sort of have in the way that even though I don't claim to know much about HIV the virus, I do know an awful lot about how to live with a deadly terminal virus, which it is, whichever way you look at it. Because left untreated will most probably end up killing you! I am an expert on taking pills and taking them on time and without fail. This is why am still alive. Because of me and me alone! Yes, they give me the pills and they pay for them and yes, they tell me what is going on with the state of my blood and yes, it is they who know all about HIV and how it can kill you if you don't take your virus seriously. But it is me who takes the drugs everyday, twice a day for the last 20yrs. It is me who tolerates the sometimes toxic ingredients and it is me who makes sure that I keep fit and eat relatively well and maintain my often warped sense of humour and strong and focused mind. And all for what? To stay alive and to out live all of you:)
Saturday 3rd January 2009 @ 11am, HH, PH, Lee, Ian, Andy, Gary, 14.45 miles, av 7.4, max 25.2 mph, 1hr 56mins, temp minus 3, frozen ponds, I fell off and got a bit of a dead leg!
Tuesday 6th January 2009 @ 19:10pm, HH, PH, Lee, Ian, Andy, av 7.9, max 26.2 mph, 2hrs 25mins, 14.98 miles, temp minus 8, no wind, light covering of snow from a few days ago, very cold!
Wednesday 7th January 2009 @ 15:00pm, HH, Tony, 6.72 miles, av 5.9, max 20.2 mph, 1hr, temp zero.
Sunday 11th January 2009 @ 12:35pm, HH, PH, Lee, Ian, 14.71 miles, av 6.9, max 20.4 mph, 2hrs 7mins, much milder and a bit muddier, windy, right elbow hurt a lot!
Wednesday 14th January 2009 @ 19:30-22:00pm, LH, Lee, Ian, Tyrone, 17 miles, av 7.8, max 30.9 mph, 2hrs 10mins, temp 1, no wind, need new middle and granny ring!
Tuesday 20th January 2009 @ 15:00, RPx2 and a third, 28.35 miles, av 11.5, max 26.1 mph, 2hrs 27mins, dry, cool, new Cateye trip computer (Strada in white).
Saturday 24th January 2009 @ 15:00pm, RPx1 and a third, 21.42 miles, av 10, max 28.4 mph, 1hr 38mins, cold, sunny, dry, temp 1, wind 9.
Tuesday 27th January 2009 @ 16:30pm, RPx2, 21.60 miles, av 11.4, max 24.8 mph, 1hr 54mins, dry, cool, temp 5, wind 7.
(C) JPT 2009