It's so true!!!! In the last few hours I have looked at the time three times and two of them (the first and third time) the times said 11:11pm and 01:12am! Both add up to thirteen! It drives me, I must admit, slightly mad! I have to wait by the clock (wherever it may be) until it flips over to fourteen! Sometimes this can last almost exactly one minute! I find myself holding my breath...saying to my self that if I can't hold it long enough before the numerals flip away from thirteen...then I shall die! I have failed once or twice to hold my breath long enough in the past! I have yet to find that I have died as a result of my failures, but, I truly believe that I will die if I do fail, but just don't know how or when? On the other side of all this numerical nonsense, I do the exact same thing but with the numbers having to add up to the number nine. For those of you that know me will already know what I am like around the number nine. If I get a total of nine during my clock watching lunacy, then that is a wonderful thing and can even cancel out a previous total of thirteen. Just check out any (absolutely all of them in fact) previous posts here on my blog and you will not find one single post time (what time of the day the post was posted) that does not amount to my precious number nine. Am I mad? Perhaps. Will this ever go away? I very much doubt it. Do you have a similar, dare I say it...O.C.D? Probably. I used to have dreams about numbers when I was younger! They used to frighten me very much and even when I awoke from my dream (or nightmare?) i could not get these numbers from passing before my eyes! They were huge! Not in total, but literally as individual numbers! A thousand feet tall and five hundred feet wide. White numbers with a dark background like space. Like being underground in a gigantic cavern. Like being dead!
(C) JPT 2009.